23 lead-acid batteries were working at their limits, such as in locations where higher performance is demanded or when multiple shifts made it necessary to change batteries. A Li-ion battery having the same dimensions has double the quantity of energy, which in turn can waive both the need and the effort of changing batteries as well as the necessary infrastructure. Each single battery cell is monitored in real time, which means that battery discharge indication is extremely precise. A fact which enables performance to be used especially efficiently. For employees the change has above all reduced workloads and created more comfort. Instead of having to handle replacement batteries, connect them to charging stations where they then charged for more than six hours, top up the batteries with distilled water, it is now only necessary to straightforwardly connect the Li-ion batteries to the external charge connector. SIMPLE CHARGING Lithium-ion technology is having a noticeable effect on operating costs and significantly raises truck availability. Unlike lead-acid batteries, opportunity charges can be made at any time irrespective of charge status. “Some of our trucks are operated 24 hours and we are dependent on them in logistics as well as in production. The new batteries can, as we all know from our own mobile phones, be charged at any time even for just a few minutes,” explains Marek Schröder. This means members of staff can even use their trucks a fresh charge of energy. After only 40 minutes two thirds of the charge capacity is available. lithium-ion batteries have a lifetime of up to 2,500 charge cycles, which is about twice that offered by a conven- tional lead-acid battery. Another plus is that lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from the negative memory effect. SAFETY AND SOFTWARE Safety is also an issue in which this forward-looking technology sets new standards. Li-ion batteries are maintenance-free, which means that all maintenance work required for lead-acid batteries relating to battery acid is waived. The new trucks are also all connected to a state-of-the-art fleet management tool, STILL FleetManager 4.x. In addition, all units are fitted with a SIM card, similar to that used on mobiles. Before using the truck, the employee logs in to the truck and checks whether any defects are present. “In the past, we had major problems with damage on the trucks. The costs for repairs and defec- tive merchandise were high,” explains Marek Schröder. “Even on the new units, impact damage is not covered by the customer service agreement. Having an individualised access authorisation does ensure that only qualified staff can use the trucks.” If there is an accident, the trucks are automatically switched to crawl speed. Only after the incident has been reported will the unit reset. “There is no point system and the STILL FleetManager 4.x is also not used as a control tool. The focus is on safety. After all, industrial trucks can move quite quickly”, says Schröder. CUSTOM SOLUTION “The successful conclusion of the project and the high level of custom- er satisfaction at Brüggen with our Li-ion technology and our approach to consultation and advice mark the way ahead for us”, explains Holger Brandt, manager of sales Germany at STILL. “For us every project focuses on providing the best solution for the specific tasks of the customer. We have found that more and more users from logistics and from the logistics and industry sectors appreciate the advantages offered by Li-ion batteries compared with classic lead-acid batteries”. The successful implementation of this major project featuring Li-ion industrial trucks means STILL has again underpinned its leading role in the field of electric mobility. The plan is that by 2017, almost the entire truck family will be available with Li-ion batteries. STILL delivered a total of 66 new counterbalanced, low-platform and high-lift trucks fitted with lithium-ion technology and a range of features to Brüggen. A clear classification of all units using the STILL FleetManager software ensures that the right trucks are actually available in the departments on a need basis. FIELD REPORT